One thing that I always wanted was to present a speech in an event outside Brasil, this objective was accomplished this year, thanks a lot RubyHACK team for this, and alto thanks a lot TheConf.Club, because last year’s event in São Paulo made me believe I could do a presentation in English.
I’m Brazilian and English is my second language, a lot of people has fear of presenting something in their own native language (I never had this fear!) but, before talking at TheConf last year I was afraid of giving a presentation in English, because even I using it everyday at work, it is different when there is a room full of people in front of you.
And to get more confident, and know how to be able to speak at international conferences I started doing a coaching with Bruno Sousa that has a coaching program called The Celebrity Developer Blueprint that helped me a lot.
And now you can get most of the knowledge shared in this coaching (of course, without the networking, comments, and incentives, but the content is there) in Bruno Sousa’s new book Best Developer Job Ever!: 5-step plan to dream jobs, high salaries & career freedom, and if you follow this link today, you can get the book for free! But hurry, the book is free only today (2018-07-19)
And after you get the book for free, you can check my first two talks in English, for me it is a really big achievement!
Your first game with Unity3d Framework – from TheConf 2017
5 ways Git can be used to automate your ruby application deployment – from RubyHACK 2018
I hope these videos can be useful for anyone that is interested in the subjects, and I also hope that anyone that is thinking about giving a presentation in a foreign language use me as an example and give it a try!
And talking about TheConf, I’ll be speaking again this year in TheConf 2018 on September 21st and 22nd, so if you are from Brazil and will be around São Paulo, the event will be amazing! Click here to buy your tickets