This post will not be about Ruby, but about another tool we use on a daily basis! It also doesn’t have a “story”, it is a collection of random Git tips that helped me in the recent past that I do not want to forget about 😀 And just as a note, this is far…
Category: git
Git deploy – how to implement git deploy in a project
Lately I’m becoming a lazy developer, and this reflects in my work. I tend to choose the easiest solution that will work for any project, and sometimes a simple project, is still in it’s early stages and it does not pay to configure a capistrano deploy or anything fancy, so I’m just using git to…
How to improve Rails testing speed using Git
I did a presentation in 2018 RubyHACK and will do the same presentation in 2018 TheConf called “Put Git to work: increase the quality of your project, and let git do the boring work for you”, one of the subjects in the presentation is how to use git to run tests only for the changed files…