When you are using Sidekiq to handle asynchronous jobs, some times there are exceptions and jobs failing, and I say sometimes because your environment is probably perfect, there is no lag, all services your jobs depend on are always on and responsive, and you probably write better code than most other developers 😛 otherwise it…
Tag: sidekiq
The easiest way to use sidekiq without Rails
Sidekiq is usually my “goto” backend processing engine when I’m writing a Rails application. Recently I had to write a small app that was not a web app, so it didn’t needed Rails, but I’m very comfortable with Ruby, and decided to write the background processing app, or a small “daemon” as we called it…
ActiveJob and declarative exception handling in your background workers
Rails 5.2.1 was recently released, and released and it brought some improvements to ActiveJob (most of it was already in 5.1 really, the only thing added on 5.2 was the callback on discard_on), but lets keep in the subject here 😀 Recently I published a very basic post about ActiveJob, and these declarative exception handling…
6 Sidekiq tips and tricks for performance, mantainability and happiness!
This is a very opinionated post, with some performance tips from someone that uses sidekiq for more than two years now, as as such I have already did some mistakes and learnt some tricks. My current opinion is that sidekiq is the best backend job engine for ruby/rails applications. And of course to use it…
Background on Rails – why do you need to learn all the background job APIs?
Rails has a new library called ActiveJob, the idea of this library is to make it easier to create background jobs without worring about what library to use, and the specific API for each one, and even changing it if a better one comes out in the future without changing your application. ActiveJob will keep…