When you are using Sidekiq to handle asynchronous jobs, some times there are exceptions and jobs failing, and I say sometimes because your environment is probably perfect, there is no lag, all services your jobs depend on are always on and responsive, and you probably write better code than most other developers 😛 otherwise it…
Tag: devops
When Kubernetes is not the right choice?
As with anything in the technology field, there is no one size fits all solution… And even kubernetes solving a big amount of problems you might have when exposing and scaling your application, it also brings some problems that you need to weight before deciding if this is the right technology for you or not….
Rails from “zero” to kubernetes – ingress reverse proxy
Following up on the ‘Rails from “zero” to kubernetes’ series, we’ll see today how to expose your service to the internet, since I think we all agree that mapping directly the port of your rails app to the internet is not a really wise choice.
Kubernetes has a “simple but works” solution called ingress, ingress is an HTTP proxy, it will work as a reverse proxy for HTTP and HTTPS for any service that exposes one one port.
Rails from “zero” to kubernetes – horizontal autoscaling
Following up on our previous post, we’ll now make kubernetes work for us, and automatically scale our application.
One of the really cool kubernetes features is the ability to automatically span new pods for your deployment based on the CPU usage of your pods. This is kinda simple, but very useful.
Rails from “zero” to kubernetes – a service to access your pod
In the previous post, we created our first kubernetes pod, but one important part is missing, it is not possible to access that application, we’ll solve this with a service now….
Rails from “zero” to kubernetes – first pod
Last year I wrote about using docker-compose to have a test/development environment similar to your production environment (you can check the post here) My environment kept growing and becoming more complex, and I started using docker swarm to deploy the applications, and after some time I started using kubernetes, I’ve learnt something about kubernetes in…