Early this December happened the second edition of one of the best ruby conferences I’ve participated up to now!

The Bangkok.rb team did an amazing job of organizing 4 amazing keynote speakers and a total of 19 speakers and attendees from over 20 diferent countries.
The organization team did an amazing job of receiving the speakers and made everyone feel at home from the start with the amazing dinner at a boat in the beautiful Chao Phraya river.
The conference was beautifully organized and the speeches were amazing varying from performance improvement tips, framework specific talking about Hanami and Phenix, to internals of Puma, two amazing JRuby talks, data processing, team organization, GitOps, Rails and a lot more!
This was a single track conference where all the speeches grabbed my attention, I loved all of them.
And to complete the scenario I was lucky enough to be one of the speakers talking about Refactoring

If anyone is interested my slides are already online here Ruby code smells.
The speech was more abstract trying to point what to avoid in the code, but I’ll write a few blog posts more specific on the subject with samples and tips on refactoring to anyone that is learning refactoring best practices.
In the mean time, enjoy the return to presencial conferences to make friends and grow your network of technical contacts, but also to enjoy life and grab a beer with a fellow developer.