Sidekiq is usually my “goto” backend processing engine when I’m writing a Rails application. Recently I had to write a small app that was not a web app, so it didn’t needed Rails, but I’m very comfortable with Ruby, and decided to write the background processing app, or a small “daemon” as we called it…
Month: August 2018
Rails Quick Tip: URL Validation for ActiveRecord
I did a quick search, and didn’t find an easy way to validate URL fields. I tried writing my own regular expressions but they kept getting more complex every time, and I do not really like to write complex regexps (If I liked it I would be programming in PERL 😛 ) So I decided…
How to deploy your dockerized rails app to AWS
Back to docker and Rails, we’ve talked some time ago about how to dockerise your rails app, using docker and docker-compose to share a development environment configuration. To do that, we’ll use ECS service, that is the Elastic Container Service, this will allow us to build a docker container image, upload it to an ECS…
ActiveJob and declarative exception handling in your background workers
Rails 5.2.1 was recently released, and released and it brought some improvements to ActiveJob (most of it was already in 5.1 really, the only thing added on 5.2 was the callback on discard_on), but lets keep in the subject here 😀 Recently I published a very basic post about ActiveJob, and these declarative exception handling…
rails_db – and easy way to add an SQL interface to your Rails App
Sometimes you just want a Query interface for your app database and in the machine you are working you do not have anything similar to MySQLWorkbench or the uglier pgAdmin for postgres (I prefer the postgres database, but pgAdmin is still really ugly) Or you are completely crazy and want to expose your database in…
6 Sidekiq tips and tricks for performance, mantainability and happiness!
This is a very opinionated post, with some performance tips from someone that uses sidekiq for more than two years now, as as such I have already did some mistakes and learnt some tricks. My current opinion is that sidekiq is the best backend job engine for ruby/rails applications. And of course to use it…
service_status_dashboard – a simple way to monitor your services, without using any external services
There are a lot of server monitoring services around, but sometimes you need to keep the things simple, for a number of reasons, for example: your infrastructure is too simple to pay for a more complicated service You just need a “ping” to know when your http server is responding you already have an “elastic…